Bobbi's office will be closed June 6-10th. Please direct questions to Tim at 660.591.6173. Utility payments are due Friday the 10th. Late payment penalties will be assessed first thing Monday morning.
The City of Meadville will hold a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. prior to regular Council meeting on April 11, 2022, in Council Chambers at City Hall located at 310 South Macon to discuss the past performance by the city in carrying out the City’s 2016 wastewater project. A land application no-discharge-drip irrigation system was implemented. Construction consisted of 130,000 L.F. of subsurface drip line, a shelter building for controls and panels, 3,500 L.F. of 2-inch forcemain SDR 35 piping, a land application system with appurtenances. All interested citizens and groups are encouraged to attend the scheduled hearing.
For more information, or if you require special accommodations at the hearing, please contact City Hall at 660-938-4999. A regular city council meeting will be held Monday, January 10th 2022 at 6:30 PM at city hall. All are encouraged to attend. Agenda can be found on the home page.
Utility payments are due Monday by end of day! Late payment penalties will be assessed first thing Tuesday morning. Utility bills are going out today, due December 10th. If you're worried you'll not get your bill early enough, please call 660.214.9070 to get your balance.
Attention! Trash day will CHANGE TO WEDNESDAY (from Tuesday) beginning 11/17/21! Please tell your neighbors and we'll all try to make this a smooth transition. If you have questions, please reach out to Bobbi at 660.214.9070.
Effective 4/1, natural waste dump will be temporarily moved to west side of semi parking lot by the rock pile. Follow the sign.
Just a reminder this spring season, the Meadville First Baptist Church is has a storm shelter. Consider discussing this with your family so that everyone is prepared.
The city's yard waste dump site has been temporarily relocated to the city truck parking lot, west side, by the gravel pile. Yard waste only. No household trash please.